Friday, March 26, 2010

word games

Why am i very susceptible to words? I always pray hard to Jah to make me indifferent to mean remarks, but to no avail!...

Tonight as I was about to take a shower, a housemate commented on my weight loss. " Dauta nmu lar oi" ( You are so thin, Lar! )

I have been getting quite a lot of similar comments lately. Though at first I just shrug it off, being thankful for even being alive and healthy despite of the arduous work schedule plus emotional struggles that has been going through in my life, I can't help but feel alarmed by it's ever growing constancy.

It must be something I just don't want to address or maybe it's something that I do not want to deal with, at this time. I really do not need negative remarks, NO, not at this time. Especially when I'm at my most vulnerable. It just bothers me that people nowadays just don't watch words they throw away at someone. ( This realization made me think twice as hard especially now that I AM the victim. )Now, I should be really careful with what I say, cause WORDS, even at it's simplest form can really change one's mood or suffice it to say, life.

Now, since I would like to be a 'solutions woman', what to do, what to do? ☻


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